+8801756801242 arif.anwar106@gmail.com

welcome to the Practise of

Dr. Muhammad Arif Anwar

MBBS, MD (Nephrology)

Kidney Specialist In Dhaka

Dr. Muhammad Arif Anwar obtained MBBS from Mymensingh Medical College. Then he joined as a medical officer in Dhaka Medical College Hospital and Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) and gained experience in the department of Internal Medicine and Nephrology.

He obtained his MD (Nephrology)from National Institute of Kidney Diseases & Urology (NIKDU) under BSMMUand then joined as a specialist in Nephrolgy department, Square Hospital. He has also completed certificate course on diabetology from BIRDEM and has comprehensive knowledge of managing diabetic patients.

Our Specialties!

Being Kindey Specialist in Bangladesh i can help you to get best treatment available for the following diseases…

Acute Kidney Failure

When your kidneys suddenly lose the capacity to filter waste from your blood, you have acute kidney failure.

Chronic Kidney Disease

 gradual decrease in kidney function is a feature of chronic kidney disease, generally known as chronic kidney failure.

Kidney Stone

Kidney stone disease is common with 1 in 10 Australians likely to develop a kidney stone in their lifetime.


When the kidneys can no longer efficiently filter wastes, salts, and liquids from the blood, hemodialysis is used.

Kidney Transplant

A healthy kidney is surgically implanted into a patient whose kidneys are no longer functioning normally.

Hypertension in Kidney disease

Hypertension, one name for high blood pressure, is hyperglycemia (high blood pressure). Your activities occur when your blood pressure changes.

Diabetes in Kidney disease

A kidney’s blood vessel clusters that filter waste from the blood might get destroyed over time if diabetes is not properly managed.

Protein loss in Urine

It’s also not unusual, especially in younger people after exercise or after an illness, for urine protein levels to rise temporarily.

Nephrotic Syndrome

When the kidney structures that filter waste are impacted by lupus autoantibodies, lupus nephritis occurs.

Why Should You Prefer
Dr. Arif Anwar For
Kidney Care?


12+ Years

Best Kidney Care

Best Team

Area of Interest



Consultation Chamber

Dhaka Central International Medical College & Hospital

Chamber Time: 9:00AM to 2PM and 7pm to 9pm

Address: 38/1 Ring Road, Shyamoli, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Hotline: 10651
Phone: +88 02 58157532, +88 02 58157533, 01622446661

Protect Your Kidneys, Lead a Healthier Life

Schedule An Appointment Today Over The Call
